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The Fast and the Furriest is the second episode in Season 1 of Dog With a Blog. This episode scored  3.4 million viewers.


Stan gets into a car crash, but Tyler, who is learning how to drive, gets the blame.

Episode Summary

The episode starts with Stan arriving back home with Avery after their walk. He loves the walk, but hates the leash. He then sees Avery's point when she says Stan is a dog. Avery says the neighbours get upset if dogs are not on a leash, and it’s handier with Avery doing it instead of Stan going on his own because Avery would have to clean up after him.

Tyler arrives back home with Bennett after he got his learners permit & he called a shaved monkey by Stan who thinks it’s “fair” that Tyler could drive a car & he could chase one. The entire family thinks he didn’t pass, but Tyler says he did. Ellen then suggests to go out for pizza & Tyler wants to drive, but Avery doesn’t want anything to happen to them. Stan then runs downstairs, but he thinks they are coming back for him but they just get Chloe. Stan asks while blogging if he chases rabbits does he not run in place? He then rips up Ellen’s bed pillows & Tyler is having Bennett do the driving lesson with him, but he doesn’t let Tyler start the car & they ‘crash’. Ellen distracts him, so both parents & Avery go on the lesson but they remember Chloe so Bennett & Ellen argue over how Tyler should drive.

Ellen and Bennett then look at pictures of Avery & Tyler at different ages, remembering that they got mad when they bumped into each other. Chloe then asks a question and lets Bennett video-tape her asking it as water splashes on Bennett. Stan doesn’t think that dogs should not be on the couch. He starts painting, shedding & walking on the couch. He somehow jumps off the couch when Tyler comes, but gets back on. Stan then thinks about being a real person & that Tyler is too dumb to know that Stan was going to drive the car. He drives it anyway & thinks that he’d use the car to chase the mailman & ends up crashing the car after sticking his head out the window. He asks where the poo bag afterwards when he needs one. Avery is talking with someone on the phone. Avery isn’t allowed to go to the movie theatre on Friday night or Saturday afternoon. Chloe then comes into the kitchen with Tyler, convincing Tyler to drive her to the zoo. Bennett says Tyler will be driving the girls everywhere & Ellen informs that the car is crashed. Little does everybody know Stan did it. They blame it on Tyler, but Avery explains why they’re looking at Tyler & says that it’s “pretty basic stuff”. In the other room, Stan points out that crashing cars isn’t one of the things the parents blame on Stan. Tyler blames it on Avery, but Avery says she also kicked a rabbit & used a giant shoe to beat a clown. Chloe is blamed on next but is about to crash the car. The parents don’t let Chloe drive the car & go back to Tyler. But all Tyler did was flood the basement, break the kitchen window & blow up the microwave. Stan then forgets that he crashed the car, but remembers before Tyler blames his sisters. Stan then decides to not drive the car, but stick his head out the window.

Chloe goes to Avery’s room as Tyler comes in & points out that they don't think he did not crash the car. Chloe says she’s just a kid & they start fighting. After they fight, Stan whistles and Chloe asks he could whistle. Stan then uncovers his secret and states that he did it. He says it’s not his fault, thinking a dog license is the same as a driver’s license. Avery tells them about the movie, Spartacus & says that his friends pretend to be Spartacus & got killed by the Romans. Avery first comes into Bennett’s office and says she crashed the car. Tyler then says he crashed it & Chloe says she did it. Stan honks the horn & lets Ellen & Bennett run outside to see that he did it. Ellen says that Stan ripped her bed pillows, crashed her car twice & gave her dirty looks when she does butt flexes. After Ellen proves it, Avery causes the parents to argue by asking which parent left the car door open. Avery hits Tyler with her elbow & convinces Tyler to drive her anywhere except the road of a mountain. Stan wants to say that he was the one who painted Chloe’s bedroom walls. He then sees it in a way like this: he was like a human & Avery, Tyler & Chloe were being like dogs. So he puts an image of him driving & the kids sticking their heads out the window. He then chews on the pictures of Ellen & Bennett as Chloe is being video-taped while asking how to stop a toy car. They bump into a lady named Paula, who thought it was a good idea to yell at Ellen & Bennett instead of Chloe, much to Bennett’s decision. Stan then sees it another way, which is Ellen & Bennett having the kids as pets.


Main Cast

Guest Cast

  • Clinton Valencia as Young Tyler
  • Allison Bills as Paula


  • The title, The Fast and the Furriest is a reference to the movie, The Fast and the Furious, and/or the book of the same name.
  • This episode was released for a limited time on before the original airdate.
  • This episode revealed how Bennett and Ellen met, by bumping into each other with Avery's stroller and Tyler's toy car.
  • It's shown that Bennett once had a beard.
  • Ellen use to have red hair.


  • Even though Avery and Tyler are a couple years apart, it was unknown how they bumped into each other looking like they were the same age as each other.
  • When Stan heard Tyler coming when he was on the couch it took him about 1 minute to clean the couch. But how could Tyler take so long to open a door?
  • How could Stan know how to drive?
  • Avery wasn't wet when sweat came off.


  • Tyler: "Yeah, it's the best."
  • Stan: *thinking* “If you were smarter, you’d know where this was going..."

  • Stan: *thinking* “Go back to the little girl, I don’t think she’s been questioned thoroughly”

  • Stan: *thinking* “Where’s the blue poop bag when you need one?”

  • Avery: “I’m sorry, but if you go, I have to clean up after you, and it’s just handier this way.”
  • Stan: “And when am I gonna see you with a roll of toilet paper around your neck?”
  • Avery: “When I start pooping on the sidewalk.”
  • Stan: "Now, now, now! Fair is fair!”
  • Avery: “Really? This makes you feel better?” camera pans to Avery, who is wearing rolls of toilet paper around her neck*
  • Stan: “I’m not proud of it, but yes, yes it does.”
  • Stan: “But ya know what really makes me feel better?” *Grabs toliet paper with his mouth* “Whoo hoo hoo!”

  • Stan: “If it’s not safe to drive with your head out a window, then they shouldn’t let dogs drive.”
  • Avery: “They don’t!”
  • Stan: “Then why do I have a license?” 
  • Avery: “A DOG licence!”
  • Stan: “Whatever!”


  • Ellen: “Okay people, we have a major situation. Someone crashed the car.” *Everyone looks at Tyler*
  • Tyler: “Why is everyone looking at me?”
  • Avery: “Mom said someone crashed the car, you obviously did it, so we’re looking at you, pretty basic stuff.”
  • Stan:*Thinking* “I think I’m in the clear. They blame a lot of things on the poor dog, but crashing cars is usually not one of them.”
  • Ellen: “Did you think we wouldn’t find out?”
  • Tyler: “I just found out! I didn’t crash the car!”
  • Stan: *thinking* “Oh this is all my fault! If only I didn’t crash the car, never stuck my head out the window-No that was cool, I would wanna do that again.”


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