Dog With A Blog Wiki
“The Fast and the Furriest”
Season 1, Episode 2
Air Date

November 4, 2012


Michael B. Kaplan


Neal Israel

Episode Guide

“Stan of the House”


“Dog with a Hog”

"The Fast and the Furriest" is the second episode in season one of Dog with a Blog. It aired on Disney Channel in the United States on November 4, 2012.


Stan is tired of being treated like a dog and wants to be treated like a human. Meanwhile Tyler has gotten his drivers liscense and is excited to be able to drive. But when his parents try to teach him he becomes annoyed. Bennett won't let him start the car and Ellen is terrified riding with him. When Tyler tells Stan that driving is like being accepted into the world Stan gets an idea. That night Stan takes the family car for a ride. But when he sticks his head out the window he accidently crashes it . The next morning Ellen discovers the wrecked car and everyone assumes Tyler did it because he said he wanted to drive by himself.  Even though he denies it Ellen and Bennett ground him for a month. Later Tyler confronts his sisters about not backing him up. When they start fighting Stan reveals that he was the one who wrecked the car. After finding out the truth the kids start trying to figure out how to get Tyler out of trouble. When Avery remembers a movie where different people say they're the same person to get their friend out of trouble they decide to say they all wrecked the car. When Ellen and Bennett find out what they're doing they all hear the car. When they look they see Stan wreck the car again. After finding out that Tyler didn't wreck the car he is ungrounded.



  • The title, The Fast and the Furriest is a reference to the movie, The Fast and the Furious, and/or the book of the same name.
    • It could also be a reference to the Tom and Jerry movie of the same name.
  • This episode was released for a limited time on before the original airdate.
  • This episode revealed how Bennett and Ellen met, by bumping into each other with Avery's stroller and Tyler's toy car.
  • Goof: Even though Avery and Tyler are a couple years apart, it was unknown how they bumped into each other looking like they were the same age as each other.
    • Altough Tyler looked 4 and Avery looked 2
  • It's shown that Bennett once had a beard.
  • As of this episode, Stan has crashed the families car Twice in the same episode.
  • This episodes features Kuma as the only dog who plays Stan.
  • Goof: When Stan heard Tyler coming when he was on the couch it took him about 1 minute to clean the couch. But how could Tyler take so long to open a door?
  • Everybody in the house really thought that Tyler failed his test.
  • Goof: When Bennett said Tyler's hands were at 9 and 1:45 you can clearly see that his hands were at 3 and 11:15.

Running Gags

  • They forget Chloe.
  • Stan crashing the car

Episode Summary

To view the The Fast and the Furriest gallery, click here.
